©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

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©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

Friday, November 5, 2010

I Luv U Lord by 4-year old

This is just so cute!  I wanted to share!  I should have found one singing "Jesus Loves Me"  but no one will mind that my poetry does not match the hymn of praise above.

Jesus Loves Me...
   by Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart
"Jesus loves me, this I know",
Many times he has told me so.
Lifted me up when I am down
Makes a smile from my own frown.

Blesses me from day to day
He wouldn't have it any other way
Asking nothing in return
Except our love and desire to learn
About his Father, Lord of all!

Jesus loves me, children sing
Hope, love and light to us, he will bring!
Listen with a child's ear
Then Christ, Jesus you will hear.

Softly speaking of his love
For every creature here and above
Guiding us through every day
In God's love and light, we will always stay.

 My heart to yours...


Anonymous said...

She's precious (and talented) and your poem is beautiful and so true. Thinking of you two this weekend.

Kathleen Grace said...

Is there anything more sweet and innocent than little children singing God's praises? I still get tears in my eyes when I hear the littelones in our church sing. It is so dear. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello, it's great to meet you:>)