©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

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©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

Friday, November 18, 2011

Update for Rylan

This is the update for Rylen written by the baby's father that I received from my cousin this afternoon.  God is so good!  Keep those prayers coming!  

This morning I and Alicia’s parents attended chapel at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. We could not ask for a better extended family than the family of Southwesterners.
This afternoon at the hostpital Dr. Honeycut drained 150 milliliters from Rylen’s head or just under two-thirds of a cup. According to My parents this gave a rim look to his head, but the doctor said that would go away in a day or so.
Alicia and I have removed the IV and are treating Rylen like a normal baby and letting the Lord do what he wants with him.
Tomorrow Alicia will be discharged from the hospital along with Rylen and they will spend a few days here in Fort Worth, and then everyone is going to Midland on Tuesday.
We thank everyone for their prayers and ask that you continue to pray in the days ahead.
This was posted by the baby's father yesterday....
going home with his momma & daddy this afternoon....how 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for the update, Kerrie!

Kerrie said...

Glory to God. We praise You Lord and thank you for listening to our prayers and for always answering them in ways that are best for us.

I am thrilled Kerrie to read the update on Rylan. Thank you.

Donna said...

Kerrie, Thanks for sharing this about Rylan. I will pray for them. We had friends who lost a baby, Darcy Anne at 14 days old. She had trisomie 18. Hubby and I spent one of those nights tube feeding her while her parents slept. I've never forgotten this precious little girl. (I made her a baby quilt.)

The Lord loves all his children, but especially those he takes home early. We lost Baby Samuel at 5 1/2 months pregnant. He was a perfect little boy the size of my hand. How I cried for him..yet I can't wait to see him some day.
