©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

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©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Battle Lost

Dear Christian hearts, a dear lady, Sandra Bennett of Thistle Cove Farm just lost her husband who was fighting cancer on November 5 due to a massive heart attack.  Needless to say she is needing prayers more now than ever.  Thank you for praying for them both and we all will continue to pray for Sandra now in her time of need.

Lord, we know that you hold David now in your sheltering arms 
And that he will feel no more the earthly pain.
We rejoice in your goodness Lord and know you hear all
Widow's cries when the anguish of their loss overwhelms them.
Thank you for taking mercy on all and for easing their pain as you see fit.
David you will be sorely missed but Sandra knows you will be waiting at the gate....

1 comment:

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is always so sad to hear. Actually, a quick death from a heart attack is better than suffering and dying from cancer, though I know this does not make it any easier. My mom prayed that she would go quickly from a stroke or heart attack, but that was not to be. I feel so badly for this lady, I will pray for her! This time of the year will always be a bad time for her.