©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

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©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Pen...

My Pen...
    ©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart
          (written in 2005)
At times, the words flow from my pen
As though it knows beginning to end
Just where my thoughts are flowing
The creativity burns within
 To put on paper all that I am
To express my feeling for God and man.

What is my place and task upon this earth?
I look forward to God's guidance to show my worth
As a servant of the Lord.
Every day I have a quest
To see what God thinks will suit me best
And where best, I can serve Him.

Singing praises to my Lord
I love to sing among the crowd
I pray not to think of only me
But only of others, then I am free.

For in giving, I shall get
In loving, I shall be loved
In suffering, I will be comforted
In going without
God will dwell within
Filling my growing heart.
Courage Of The Heroes picture
I was visited by an astonishing young man today and in visiting his Christian blog, I was pleasantly surprised at his wisdom and honesty.  Click on his name on the comment from the last post and you will be glad you did!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day and remember all of those who are keeping us a free nation where we can worship as we choose and express our views without fear of retaliation!  God Bless America!

My Christian heart to yours...

1 comment:

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, how funny!! A snapping turtle! You must be meant to follow him!! I love your poem. especially the second verse.