©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

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©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

Monday, March 7, 2011

Living above circumstance...

Good Morning dear Christian hearts...

This message from In-Touch ministries, with Charles Stanley was so meaningful, I needed to share with you this morning --Just in case you are having a blue Monday!

Pls. note that underlining is my own emphasis:
    "Surely, if anyone had a right to gripe, it was Paul, who’d endured persecution, shipwreck, and beatings for the gospel. Yet he never once complained. His letter to the church at Philippi is filled with rejoicing, as focusing on God let him live above his circumstances (Phil. 4:8).

    The more we talk and complain about a situation, the worse it looks, until the problem looms larger in our mind than our faith does. Conversely, carrying challenges straight to God keeps matters in perspective. The Lord is bigger than any hardship. On His strength, we rise above the difficulty.    Problems can look so big and unwieldy that they distort our perspective. God invites us to live above our circumstances by fastening our eyes upon Him. The trials of this life shrink when compared to our loving, powerful Lord, who exercises His might in defense of His people."

(For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit

    I have certainly found in these last 6 years specifically, how hard it is to cope with catastrophic illness with my Husband's Multiple Myeloma Cancer.  And at times our cash flow has been a cause of stress as well.  Then there are grown children with their problems and grandchildren and, and, and....  If I were to let all of these things weigh down my life, my joy and my heart would parish from lack of nourishment!  But I choose to react differently to the many obstacles in our lives.  And above all, Hubby and I have each other for support, for our daily "dose of Love" from each other and the Lord.  And it does help to talk with loved ones or that one great friend about your concerns as we are only human though we strive to be God-like.  Just remember that Jesus is our one great Friend above all others, talk to Him.

   Too often we "overdose on ME" saying, "why is this happening to ME?  Why do I not have riches and health and a happy-no-problem life??  Why is my old age not the "golden years" that we always heard about?  Because that is not reality.  God never said we would not have stress and strife in our lives, but he did promise to be there with us through the storm.  Again, note the video in my side bar, it says it all.  "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face.  And the things of the earth will grow strangely dim...In the light of His Glory and Grace......"☺
Just as the little creatures in our back yard look up to us for a morsel to sustain them, we look up to the Lord for our spiritual nourishment and support. 
Thank you for visiting with me today and I hope you found something meaningful in today's shared message as well as my own.  If you have prayer concerns, please comment or e-mail and I will add you to our prayer list.  You matter to us, You matter to Jesus...

My Christian heart to yours...


Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE Charles Stanley!! Just watched one of his sermons twice this weekend. His son is pretty good, too. Also Joseph Prince, who is a wonderful educator. Your robin and squirrel are so cute, the squirrel must have been begging for food, but I see the camera didn't scare him off.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Stanley was my dad's favorite and we watched him every Sunday together after Dad got where he could not attend church. I have several of Dr. Stanley's books also. You always have such delightful photos from your yard. Puts a smile on my face! Blessings to you this day.

Unknown said...

My precious friend, this share is beautiful ... as always you have such a joyful & peaceful way of bringing forth the 'message'.

You literally brought tears to my eyes.

I so hope that Bill fairs well & how relieved you must be for the next 3 month respite for him.

Harold is doing better every day, but the next surgery is in about 3 weeks. He was literally a 'dead man walking'.
God had His hands on Harold's shoulders for sure.

Love that little chipmunk ... we have lots of entertainment from ours here, also. They bring smiles & laughter nearly daily.

Love you both ~
Hugs from us ~
Me & He