©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

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©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

Friday, February 18, 2011

Teach me Lord, Teach me Lord, to Wait...

Again, my favorite quote is from the book of Isaiah 40:31  This tied right in with this beautiful picture of God's country and quote from the Psalms! Waiting on the Lord is hard some times but is so rewarding.  And when you are not trying to "push" things to happen, you are much calmer like the waters running over these beautiful stones...

This is the quote hand lettered and framed for me by my friend Esther and it hangs in our bedroom.  My husband who is fighting Multiple Myeloma Cancer for 6 yrs. now has not been feeling well at all and spends much time in the bedroom these days.  Last week I went in to see how he was doing and the sun shining in the window was hitting this frame...
"those that wait for the Lord shall renew their strength"

   How appropriate it was and I was so struck that the first part of the quote was shining in God's sunlight, that I had to take a picture!  Shhh! God is speaking to us all the time if we just take the time to be quiet and listen....
   I find God and Jesus everywhere because I am always looking for them in my day.  Are you looking for the Savior and His Father in your days?  It is wonderful to know that we can have a personal relationship with God.  We do not have to ask for intercessory prayers, we can speak directly to the Father and Son in our prayers!! 
"They shall mount up as wings of eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint"
Teach me Lord, Teach me Lord to wait♫♫  We used to sing that in our church back home in NYS.  I love praising the Lord in Song!
To hear the song by the Gather Family Reunion in New Orleans performance click on the video in the side bar.
Please come back soon to visit, we love having your company and please leave a comment.

My Christian Heart to Yours... 


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a coincidence, Kerrie. Or is it? This is my favorite, too. In fact, my mom died just a few years ago, and I chose this verse to put on her memorial program.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Hi Kerrie!
Thank you so much for coming by today. I am glad you liked my post about my sweet Montezuma southern town!
I love your place here. I am going to follow you also :)
I look forward to getting to know you!
xo, misha