©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

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©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Though Our Sins be Scarlet....

First, a very special request for prayer for a very special lady, "Marydon".  She is going through a traumatic skin cancer removal and needs all of our prayers!  She is such a special person, always caring for others and doing good!  You can see her surprise visit to my house by going to Kerrie's Korner, SC blog September 30th post. Sending prayer requests for her and for all those afflicted with cancer and other ailments, thank you so much!

James 5:14,15  "Is anyone sick?  He should call for the elders of the church and they should pray over him and pour a little oil upon him, calling on the Lord to heal him.  and their prayer, if offered in faith, will heal him, for the Lord will make him well" (The Book)

   The Old Testament makes many references to the coming of someone special, an "annointed one".  The word Messiah in Hebrew is "The Annointed One".  Immanuel, is "God with us".
   For a mere man could not bring harmony with God back after Eden's fall from Grace, it would be one both God and man.  Jesus was born a descendant of King David, also known as the Annointed One.
  We should pray about everything for God loves our dependence on Him.  He wants to care for us!  And don't forget to thank Him for prayers answered.  I end my prayers with, "Thank you for all the blessings you have given us and all of those that are yet to come, Amen."
  My friend Bruce, who was also a classmate in my Bible studies way back when, told us that he begins his prayers with his hands face down on the table.  Then he ends his prayers with his palms face up to receive God's blessing!  I love this!
  We prevent God from showering gifts upon us when we have a barrier of sin and disobediance between us and God.  Remove the barrier and God will bless you.  Are you familiar with the song, "We shall have showers of Blessings, Showers of blessing I see, Mercy drops falling around me....."  Willie Nelson has a recording of this on his worship album.  I love that phrase, Mercy drops falling around me!
  Remember that all of us may feel unworthy but we ARE worthy of God's love and mercy!  We confess our sins, God will forgive us, He will "wash away our sins".
1 John:1:9.  No matter how soiled from sin you may be, God can make you as clean as snow!  Isaiah 1:18.  Did you know that when we confess our sins to God, that He forgives us and "never thinks of them again?  Hebrews 8:12.  How wondrous is that?  So you need not lie in your bed at night rehashing the past, pouring salt into the wounds.  Simply confess (say you are sorry for whatever is bothering your heart) and whatever separates you from God's love and mercy and think of them no more!
  Isn't that a great burden lifted from your mind and heart?  All because Jesus paid the price for you and for me by making the one great sacrifice on the cross....
  The Lord has NEVER ignored a cry for help from His children.  Many times through my life I have felt I could not bear one more bad thing! But God in his wisdom, knows my limitations as a mere mortal and just at the breaking point, He reached down to me and pulled me up by my bootstraps!  I never ceased to be amazed when he did that at just the right time!
  When we are OUT of Harmony with God, we feel like nothing is right.  IN harmony with God, we are able to handle whatever comes our way and be pleasant in the process!  Imagine His great hand on your back as you go through tough times~~yes, God is so good!

Blessings and love,

My heart to yours...

"Do your little bit of GOOD where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the WORLD."
          -Archbiship Desmond Tutu


Janean said...

God is good indeed, kerrie! i love Him soooooo much for His mercies are new every morning.

will pray for marydon too....

adore that mouse picture!

Beverly said...

Well said, Kerrie. Showers of Blessings is one of my favorites, too.

Everyone needs to have their hearts open to be able to recognize how their prayers are answered.