I hope everyone is having a safe 4th of JULY weekend! Remember to pray for all of the soldiers and all of the military that keep our country free.
It is said that the Truth shall set you free. God is truth. Jesus gave us our freedom from loss of eternal life. We should thank Him perpetually for all he has suffered and taken our place for the sins of the world.
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."John 8:31-32
"Like millions of Americans this week, minds are on the Fourth of July holiday and what it represents: our freedom as a nation. This freedom is a precious thing, bought with the sweat, toil and blood of countless Americans who initially fought to
obtain it (Revolutionary War), as well as those who have fought to
secure it in the centuries since that fateful day in 1776.
Gratitude without measure wells up in my heart when I consider the brave men and women of the American military who, this Fourth of July, will be fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan to combat the tyranny of terrorism. These soldiers stand in the train of valiant warriors who fought in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, two World Wars, Korea, Vietnam and the first Gulf War. Each of these conflicts—while unique in themselves—shared the common goal of protecting American freedom. Today's battles are no different.
But even as I prize my freedom as an American, I am moved to consider a greater freedom—my freedom in Christ. It is the freedom that comes with being a disciple of Jesus Christ. "If you abide in my word," our Lord declares, "you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31-32).
This statement was shocking to Jesus' audience. These proud men thought they already had all the freedom they needed by virtue of being "offspring of Abraham" (8:33). Jesus proceeds to point them beyond any national, social or religious freedom they might enjoy to the freedom that comes through His person and work: "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin … So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (8:34,36). Contrary to what Jesus' listeners thought, they were in bondage to sin and subject to the tyranny of it.
Commenting on this passage of Scripture Leon Morris writes, "People do not always, or even usually, realize that they are in bondage. They tend to rest in some fancied position of privilege, national, social or religious. So these Jews, proud of their religion, did not even know their need to be free."
Even as Christians we can fall prey to the temptation to trust in other things for our freedom from the tyranny of sin: status, money, good works, associations, etc. But the true disciple finds freedom in Christ and Christ alone.
What am I trusting in today?
The Fourth of July is a wonderful time to consider our freedom—as Americans and as Christians. Our national freedom is precious, but our freedom in Christ is of infinite worth."
The above is quoted from Crosswalk.com, a 4th message by pastor Pohlman and I felt it was such a good message for the 4th of July that I wanted to share it with all of you. I have omitted a hymn verse by Wesley.
I hope you enjoyed today's message and look forward to your visits. Hubby is doing a little better and starts chemo again on Tuesday the 5th. Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes.
Take it and pass it on!
My Christian heart to yours....