©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

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©Kerrie O'Hearn Marquart

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Prodigal Son

I am sorry that I have not written in so long.  I was preoccupied with a family matter and in my sorrow over the incident, I was weak.  But the Bible tells us "when I am weak, that is when I am strong in the Lord."  Sometimes it is very hard to see beyond the storms of life but the calm does come, God does hear our cries and He does heal our wounds...

The Prodigal Son:

 It tells of the younger son in a family, who obtains his inheritance from his 
father. (Compare Deuteronomy 21:17.) This son leaves for a distant land, 
where he squanders all in debauchery, has to take up the work of herding 
swine, and is even reduced to hungering for the food of swine. He finally 
comes to his senses and decides to return home, if only to work for his
father as a hired laborer. As he nears home, his father takes the positive
step of welcoming him, even holding a feast. The older brother, who had 
at home working, resents the mercy shown. But the father says that they
should rejoice because the son who was dead now lives.—Luke 15:11-32.

When our families have trouble, we hurt deeply but
like the father in the Prodigal Son parable, we forgive
because we are so happy to restore harmony!  We
pray and ask the Father for help in restoring our 
families and like the Father, forget the sin when
confessed and think of it no more.

My Christian heart to yours...